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The DeckTrack dashboard is a web app which allows you to monitor all the PowerPoint machines connected to your DeckTrack account. It works on any modern browser, including mobile browsers.

Sign in to the dashboard at

DeckTrack Dashboard

The DeckTrack dashboard

Dashboard features

Using the dashboard, you can:

  • See the current slide and build position of all connected machines
  • See the current slide preview of connected machines
  • Re-order and disconnect machines
  • View event logs for all machines

Admin tools

The dashboard also includes a number of admin tools, which can be accessed using the menubar.

  • View and regenerate your show code
  • View and share view-only links
  • Account management tools

Show code security

The show code is a five-character code that helps identify your DeckTrack account. You should regenerate your show code after each event to prevent unauthorised access.